Evaluation of pharmacological properties, phytochemistry and medicinal uses of Vernoniastrum ambiguum Maroyi Alfred* Department of Biodiversity, University of Limpopo, Private Bag X1106, Sovenga0727, South Africa *Corresponding Author E-mail: alfred.maroyi@gmail.com
Online published on 28 October, 2020. Abstract Vernoniastrum ambiguum is a herbaceous plant used as traditional medicine in tropical Africa. This study was aimed at providing a critical review of the pharmacological properties, phytochemistry and medicinal uses of V. ambiguum. Documented information on the pharmacological properties, phytochemistry and medicinal uses of V. ambiguum was collected from several online sources such as Scopus, Google Scholar, PubMed and Science Direct, and pre-electronic sources such as book chapters, books, journal articles and scientific publications obtained from the University library. This study showed that the leaves, roots and whole plant parts of V. ambiguum are used as traditional medicines for dysmenorrhoea, gonorrhoea, impotence, postpartum pains, colds, female and male infertility, malaria, fever and cough. Phytochemical compounds identified from the species include glaucolide sesquiterpenes, alkaloids, amino acids, anthraquinones, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, phenols, saponins, steroids, tannins and triterpenes. Pharmacological research revealed that V. ambiguum extracts and compounds isolated from the species have antibacterial, antifungal, anti-quorum sensing inhibition, antioxidant, antiplasmodial and hepatoprotective activities. Vernoniastrum ambiguum should be subjected to detailed phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological evaluations aimed at correlating its medicinal uses with its phytochemistry and pharmacological properties. Top Keywords Asteraceae, Compositae, Ethnopharmacology, Herbal medicine, Indigenous pharmacopeia, Vernonia ambigua, Vernoniastrum ambiguum. Top |