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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2020, Volume : 13, Issue : 1
First page : ( 339) Last page : ( 341)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00068.2

Mutation Occurrence in DNA Sequences of drug Resistance Plasmodium vivax in Iraqi patients Infection

Mohammed Ammer Abd.*

Middle Technical University, College of Health and Medical Technology, Medical Laboratory Techniques Dep, Iraq

*Corresponding Author E-mail: drnihadkhalawe@gmail.com

Online published on 24 February, 2020.


In thi study, blood samples were collected from 100 Iraqi malaria patients infected with Plasmodium Vivax during the period from 1st may 2018 to 1st April 2019. Results showed that 8 (8%) of the phenotypes of the studied parasites were drug resistant through the observation of their full treatment course. All the blood specimens have been tested for the k13 gene mutations of P. vivax. The panel detection score (PDS) range for the corresponding Plasmodium species at 200 parasites per μL of blood extracted from plasmodium Vivax antigen Pv-pLDH was 51% (0%-100%), from Pvom-pLDH was 75% (63%-91%) and from aldolase was 34% (0%82%). The genetic variety of k13 was higher in Plasmodium taken from the patients ’isolates. The ratio of Iraqi patient's resistance phenotype and the mutation at locus 446 in k13 gene was 1.640, while the value was 1.840 depending upon estimation of the mutations in the 12 loci.


Five mutation types were detected in k13) gene, F446I, C469Y, A676D, N458Y and P574L types. and Eight P. Vivax malaria Bulaquine resistance cases in Iraqi patients showed mutation in G449G, T451T, G674G, F446I and G450V, also the mutations were GGT to GGG, TTT to TTC, GGG to GGA, TTT to GTA and GGA to GTA respectively.



Plasmodium Vivax. Mutation, Drug resistant.


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