Consequences of Phytochemicals on the System of Various Pest: A Review Shruti, Riat Amaninder Kaur* Department of Zoology, School of Bioengineering and Biosciences, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, India *Corresponding Author E-mail: amaninderkaur89@gmail.com
Online published on 24 December, 2019. Abstract Phytochemicals are chemicals which are naturally present in plants. The phytochemicals are the compounds which having insecticidal properties which act against the pest. The aim of this review to tell about the certain phytochemicals which are present in the plants and according to the recent studies they having a potential to act against the system of pest. As pests are becoming major problem in agriculture which effect the crop and also effect their nutritive value. The phytochemicals are present in the plant extracts and when this sprayed on the pest, they act on the system of pests and help to control their population. These phytochemicals are non hazardous in nature and having no harmful effect on the crops. Top Keywords Phytochemicals, Pest, Crops, Agriculture, Insecticides. Top | |
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