Principles of the Urolithiasis Phytotherapy Khokhlenkova N. V.1,*, Buryak M. V.1, Povrozina O. V., Kamina T. V. 1Department of Drug Technology, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine *Corresponding Author E-mail: drqaiss9@gmail.com
Online published on 24 December, 2019. Abstract A wide range of plants and plant-derived products are used in folk medicine for the treatment of urolithiasis as a prophylactic agent or as curative agent. Most of them found to be effective, but still the complete mechanism of action of these herbal drugs remains to be unclear. In present review we are discussing the various mechanism of action through which phytotheraeupatic agents exert their antiurolithiatic effect. Unlike allopathic medicines which targets only one aspect of urolithiatic pathophysiology, most of plant based therapy have been shown to be effective at different stages of stone pathophysiology. The present review therefore critically evaluates the potential usefulness of herbal medicines in the management of urolithiasis. Top Keywords Urolithiasis, phytotherapy, herbal medicines. Top | |
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