Immunological and Biochemical Changes Related of Tuberculosis in Human Al-Janabi Lamees M.* Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Thi-Qar University, Iraq *Corresponding Author E-mail: lameeskhalid2004@gmail.com
Online published on 24 December, 2019. Abstract The study was conducted for the purpose of studying the immunological and biochemical conditions of TB patients. 100 samples of confirmed tuberculosis patients were collected from the Center of respiratory and chest diseases. Blood samples were collected for the purpose of immunological and biochemical tests of the disease The results of this study have shown below: As illustrated In Table (1), a marked rise (P <0.05) of the serum AST, ALT, BUN and T. Bilirubin concentrations and significant decline (p<0.05) of serum Creatinine concentration in TB patients were reported in comparison with normal people. As illustrated in Table (2), a marked increase (P <0.05) of the serum TNF-a and IL-12 concentrations in TB patients were reported in comparison with normal people. Top Keywords Tuberculosis, AST, ALT, BUN, Bilirubin, TNF-a, IL-12. Top | |
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