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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2019, Volume : 12, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1997) Last page : ( 2008)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00334.2

Personalized Nano Delivery Strategy in Treating Uveitis

Radhakrishnan Arun*, Kuppusamy Gowthamarajan**, Venkatachalam Senthil, Vijayakumar Rohithkrishnan, Shanmukhan Nikhitha K

Department of Pharmaceutics, JSS College of Pharmacy, Udhagamandalam JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: arunpharma93@gmail.com


Online published on 8 August, 2019.


Uveitis is an inflammatory disease causes the damage of eye tissues and leads to the loss of vision once kept untreated. Early detection and identification of the disease are necessary for the prevention of the progressing inflammation and tissue damage. Existing treatment comprise of the administration of oral steroids, immunosuppressant, biological and adjuvant therapy. Even though topical, intravitreal and subconjunctival administration routes have been chosen for the drug administration, they fail to achieve the drug concentration to elicit a better therapeutic action due to the presence of ocular barriers such as tear, cornea conjunctiva, sclera, choroid membrane, retina, and blood-retinal barrier. Design of delivery systems that can prolong the precorneal habitation time increase the drug release as well as reduce the side effects such as methods to achieve prolonged can promise effective ocular drug delivery. Delivery systems such as hydrogels, liposomes, micro carrier systems, vitreous implants, medicated lenses, nanotechnology approaches such as nanocrystals, nanoemulsions, nanosuspensions, dendrimers, microneedles etc. exist as current research and the future research perspectives to achieve effective ocular drug delivery.



Uveitis, Classification, treatment, current status of therapy, novel ocular drug delivery.


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