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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2019, Volume : 12, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1646) Last page : ( 1648)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00275.0

Gastroprotective Effect of Lannea coromandelica Stem Bark in Rat induced by Aspirin

Pusmarani Jastria*, Ifaya Mus**, Isrul Muhammad***, Saleh Ahmad****, Himaniarwati*****

Department of Pharmacy, STIKES Mandala Waluya, Kendari, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author E-mail: triapusmarani20@gmail.com





Online published on 8 August, 2019.


Lannea coromandelica is one of plant dispersed in Sulawesi. Inhabitants from the Southeast Sulawesi apply Lannea coromandelica Bark to relief symptom of gastritis or peptic ulcer. Phenolic compounds of Lannea coromandelica Stem bark contains antioxidant activity. The study investigated the gastroprotective effect of Lannea coromandelica stem bark. Ethanol extract of Lannea coromandelica Stem bark (LCSB) was evaluated its anti-ulcer activity using aspirin-induced rats. Normal group was given 0.05% Na CMC. Positive group was given sucralfat 360 mg/kgBW and aspirin 600mg/kg BW, group I was given extract of LCSB at dose 400 mg/kgBW and aspirin 600 mg/kgBW, group II was given extract of LCSB at dose 800 mg/kg BW and aspirin 600 mg/kgBW, and group III was given extract of LCSB at dose 1200 mg/kg BW and aspirin 600 mg/kg BW. Extract of LCSB was administered orally in various doses for three days prior to the ulcer induction. On the 4thday rats, all rats were observed 8 hours after aspirin induction to determine ulcer index and percent inhibition. Results of this study revealed that LCSB extract significantly reduced the ulcer index and percent inhibition (p=0.00). Extract of LCSB shows gastroprotective activities.



Bark of Javanesse wood, Lannea coromandelica, Aspirin, Gastroprotective, Rat.


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