Diabmag: A Better, Safe and Compatible Sugar Alternate Wal Pranay1,*, Pal Rashmi Saxena2, Wal Ankita3, Pal Yogendra2 1Associate Prof. and Dean R &D, Pharmacy Dept., PSIT, Kanpur 2Assistant Professor, Pharmacy Dept., PSIT, Kanpur 3Associate Prof. Pharmacy Dept., PSIT, Kanpur *Corresponding Author E-mail: drpranaywal@gmail.com
Online published on 18 May, 2019. Abstract Aim To evaluate the features of plant based Diabmag sugar alternate. Objective To analyze Diabmag, herbal based sweetener on various parameters. Materials and Methods 120 subjects were randomly selected, at a health camp held at a renowned park at Kanpur. A questionnaire was asked to be completed by the participants that included questions about various aspects of Diabmag formulation. Results Taste, intensity, practicality and after taste were analyzed on the basis of results of questionnaire. Conclusion Diabmag is a safe, efficient and compatible sugar alternate. Top Keywords Diabmag, questionnaire, sugar, safe, alternate. Top |