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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2019, Volume : 12, Issue : 3
First page : ( 1158) Last page : ( 1162)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00191.4

Development of Air Sterilization Purifier Combined with Broadband to active Photocatalyst and Ion Cluster Generating Module

Seungbae Yoon1,*, Insoo Yoo2, Seungcheon Kim3

1PhD Candidate, Hansung University, Korea

2Senior Researcher of Gootz, Korea, igootz@naver.com

3Professor, Div. of IT Convergence Eng., Hansung University, Korea, kimsc@hansung.ac.kr

*Corresponding Author E-mail: ysb518910@naver.com

Online published on 18 May, 2019.



A modern man trapped in the room like this has to live in the trapped air. The trapped air in the room is susceptible to contamination due to dust and harmful compounds generated from building materials, furniture, wallpaper, electronic products, etc. Especially environmental ailments such as asthma and atopy increased to prevail airborne diseases such as H1N1 influenza, air pollution in the room increased to social problems.

Methods/Statistical analysis

Titanium alkoxide (TTIP, TBOT, etc.) is used as precursor of titanium dioxide, and titanium dioxide precursor is mixed with acid, alcohol and the like to prepare with sol-gel solution. Block copolymer and titanium dioxide sol-gel solution are mixed at a specific ratio to control the surface structure after thin film production. Subsequently, the block copolymer and the titanium dioxide sol-gel solution are thin-coated on the substrate and heat-treated in an inert gas atmosphere to form a hybrid carbon-titanium dioxide structure.


Air sterilization purification technology is a technology that can substantially complement the fragile purification performance of conventional air sterilization (air purifier). This technology improves the efficiency of removing indoor pollutants such as airborne bacteria and viruses through inhaled bactericidal purification technology with broadband medium photocatalyst and ceramic bead photocatalyst module and release type sterilization purification technology with negative ion generation module etc.


Therefore, not only improving the indoor air quality by sterilizing and purifying indoor air, basically developing broadband active photocatalyst and air clustering module fusion composite structure with ion cluster generation module that removes airborne bacteria in indoor air Try to develop an air sterilization purification device.



Air sterilizer, air purifier, photocatalyst, ion cluster, airborne bacteria, indoor pollution abatement device, photocatalyst filter air purifier, UVC, air volume, wind speed, air quality, floating bacteria, virus.


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