Prediction of Parkinson's Disease using Machine Learning Techniques on Speech dataset Varghese Basil K, Amali D Geraldine Bessie*, Devi K S Uma School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India *Corresponding Author E-mail: geraldine.amali@vit.ac.in
Online published on 18 April, 2019. Abstract In the present decade of accelerated advances in Medical Sciences, most studies fail to lay focus on ageing diseases. These are diseases that display their symptoms at a much advanced stage and makes a complete recovery almost improbable. Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most commonly diagnosed neurodegenerative disorder of the brain. One could argue, that it is almost incurable and inflicts a lot of pain on the patients. All these make it quite clear that there is an oncoming need for efficient, dependable and expandable diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. A dilemma of this intensity requires the automating of the diagnosis to lead accurate and reliable results. It has been observed that most PD Patients demonstrate some sort of impairment in speech or speech dysphonia, which makes speech measurements and indicators one of the most important aspects in prediction of PD. The aim of this work is to compare various machine learning models in the successful prediction of the severity of Parkinson's disease and develop an effective and accurate model in order to help diagnose the disease accurately at an earlier stage which could in turn help the doctors to assist in the cure and recovery of PD Patients. For the aforementioned purpose we plan on using the Parkinson's Tele monitoring dataset which was acquired from the UCIML repository. Top Keywords Parkinson's disease, PD, Parkinson's Tele monitoring, Backpropagation, Severity Prediction. Top | |
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