Importance of Sleep for Medical and General Wellness Adil Hasina1,*, Koser A.A.1, Gupta Alok2 1Department of Physics, Medi-Caps University, Indore, (M.P.), India 2PS India *Corresponding Author E-mail: adilhasina@gmail.com
Online published on 24 February, 2020. Abstract The aim of this paper is to create awareness about importance of sleep, its need and its effect on overall health to remain happy in today's world. This can be achieved when people have knowledge about functions of sleep, its type of disorder, its remedies and precautions. Now a day's Obesity in youngsters and Cancer especially in women are very common. The reason is inadequate amount of sleep. Late night parties and nightshift works affect directly on their sleep which results in their mood and work style. They become short temper, anger and depressed due to continuous work in competition to go on top position demand more works for which they sacrifice their sleep. This depression last stage motivates youngsters for suicide. All situations can be controlled by monitoring our sleep pattern at home. For this purpose, a genuine sleep monitor of low cost is required so each and every class of people can use and check their sleep for good health. Top Keywords Polysomnography (PSG), Rapid-Eye Movement (REM), Non-Rapid-eye movement (NREM). Top | |
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