Synthesis Characterization and Study of Some Electrical Properties of Compound of Octa phenyl porphyrazin Cobalt (III) complexes Jabur Hasan Sabeeh* Chemistry Department, College of Science, University of Al-Muthana, Al-Muthana, Iraq *Corresponding Author E-mail: hasansabih87@yahoo.com
Online published on 16 March, 2019. Abstract The present study the preparation of complexes oct aphenal porphyrazin Cobalt (III), the prepared compounds are characterized by elemental analysis, infrared, uv-visible, and 1H-NMR. The elemental analysis results showed a good agreement with the calculated results. The IR-spectra show a strong band at the range (2235-2240cm−1). which are attributed to the stretching vibrations of the (C≡N) band and hidden in the complexes. The UV-Visible spectra are characterized by the appearance of the two main absorption bands. The first at the range (600–675) nm which is called Q-band and the second at the range (305–350) nm which is called B or sort band. The 1H-NMR spectra data of all prepared compounds are similar, in general, and consist of aromatic protons signals within the range (735–793) ppm which is attributed to the meta, para and Ortho protons. Electrical conductivity of the polymer was measured by using the iodine doping.lt was found that the electrical conductivity increased up to (10−4 ohm−1. Cm−1). Top Keywords Octa phenyl porphyrazinCobalt, electrical conductivity, iodine doping. Top | |
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