Formulation and Evaluation of Press-Coated Tablets of Tramadol Pati Nikunja B.*, Dr. Gupta V R M, Velivela Swapna Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy, Domadugu, Gummadidala, Sangareddy-502313 *Corresponding Author E-mail: nikunjapatipharmacy@gmail.com
Online published on 20 December, 2018. Abstract Press coated tablets have been proposed to achieve release of drug after a desired lag period. These are formulated with intention to be used mainly in the therapy of those diseases and symptoms which depend on circadian rhythms. A core formulation containing Tramadol as model drug is coated by compression with different polymeric barrier layers (press-coated systems) in different weight ratios. The core serves as reservoir, and the barrier layer surrounding it protect and avoids the core from releasing drug during the lag phase. The coatings erode/dissolve, rupture at the required time. The dissolution profiles of uncoated cores and press-coated devices were compared. The coating is expected to prevent drug release from the core until the polymeric shell is completely eroded or swollen. Nine formulations were prepared and evaluated for various parameters. The effect of the erodible barrier can be modified by use of swellable polymeric shell. It can be concluded from the study that press coated based pulsatile release formulations are suitable for Tramadol. Formulation F4 possessed good lag time of nearly 5hrs and showed pulsatile drug delivery pattern. Based on the Results, desired delivery of Tramadol could be achieved using 60% w/w (F4) tablets compressed coated with L-Hydroxy Propyl Cellulose. Top Keywords Press-coated, chronomodulated, lag-phase, erodible, swellable, pulsatile, etc. Top | |
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