Preparation and Characterization of Etodolac Co-Crystals Using 32 Full Factorial Design Zalte Amar Gangadhar*, Saudagar Ravindranath Bhanudas Department of Quality Assurance Techniques, R. G. Sapkal College of Pharmacy, Anjaneri, Nashik *Corresponding Author E-mail: zalteamar@gmail.com
Online published on 20 December, 2018. Abstract Etodolac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used in treatment of pain, swelling and joint stiffness from arthritis. Etodolac is BCS class II drug with low solubility and high permeability. Pharmaceutical co-crystals of Etodolac were prepared with 4-amino benzoic acidto improve physicochemical properties like solubility, stability and bioavailability of drug. Co-crystals of Etodolac with 4-amino benzoic acid was prepared by using solvent drop grinding method. Newly prepared crystalline form was characterized by Infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetryto confirm purity and homogeneity of cocrystals. Co-crystals of Etodolac showed enhancement in solubility by 5.12 folds as compared with pure drug. Etodolac co-crystals tablets were prepared which showedbetter dissolution rate as compared with marketed formulation. The study showed that co-crystals of Etodolac with 4-amino benzoic acid can bea better and emerging alternative to modify and enhance physicochemical properties of pure drug. Top Keywords Etodolac co-crystals, Co-crystals, 4-amino benzoic acid, ETO4-ABA. Top | |
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