Comparison of Location and Morphological of Pterion in Indian and Malaysian Skulls Rosli Anas Bin* Saveetha Dental College, Chennai *Corresponding Author E-mail: anasrosli96@gmail.com
Online published on 31 October, 2018. Abstract Pterion is a part of the skull which unites 4 cranium bones. It is situated posterior to the frontozygomatic suture and superior to the zygomatic arch. It is also an important cranial landmark which marks racial differences in its location and morphology. There are 4 types of pterion, sphenoparietal, frontotemporal, stellate and epipteric sutural pattern. In this research, dry skulls of both Indian and Malaysian are studied for the location and morphological of pterion, to be compared. Top Keywords Pterion, middle meningeal artery, frontozygomatic suture, zygomatic arch, sphenoparietal sutural pattern, frontotemporal sutural pattern, epipteric sutural pattern, stellate sutural pattern. Top | |
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