A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Concept Map Teaching Method on Self Esteem among III Year B.Sc Nursing Students, Bishop's College of Nursing, Dharapuram Mrs. Lavanya S. Angelin* Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Science, Chennai *Corresponding Author E-mail: Lavanya.angelin@gmail.com
Online published on 31 October, 2018. Abstract Self-esteem is a necessary aspect of human nature that allows one to normally mingle and interact with others. People with low self-esteem will have difficulty with allowing people to come closer to them and with interacting with others. The connection between body image and self-esteem is actually one of the factors that can improve one's self worth and self-regard. Objectives of the Study: Objectives 1. To assess the knowledge regarding self esteem before concept map teaching. 2. To assess the knowledge regarding self esteem after concept map teaching. 3. To compare the knowledge level before and after concept map teaching. 4. To find the association between post test knowledge scores of III year B.Sc nursing students with their selected demographic variables. Research Methdology The study was evaluative approach. The research design used for the study was pre-experimental one group pretest and posttest design. Simple random sampling technique was adopted for the study. In that, lottery method was adopted to select the samples. Pretest data was collected by Self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of concept mapping teaching method regarding self-esteem. It consists of 30 questions. In that 12 questions were on concept mapping and another 18 questions were on self-esteem. Each question contains four options among which one is correct response. The The sample consisted of 30 nursing students of 3rd year BSc Nursingstudying students. Rosenberg scale for self-esteem was administered for each sample. Major Study Findings The collected data was analyzed in terms of the objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. Section 1 Regarding Age most 19 (63%) of the students belong to the age group of 19to 20 years, 5 (17%) of the students belong to the age group of 18 to 19 years, 3 (10%) students belong to the age group of 20 to 21 years and 3(10%) students belong to the age group of 21 to 22 years. Regarding Religion most 26 (87%) of the students belong to Christian, 4 (13%) belong to Hindu. Regarding Type of family most 23 (77%) of the students belong to nuclear family,7 (23%) of the students belong to joint family. Regarding monthly income of the family most 16 (54%) of them earns Rs.5000-10000,10 (33%) earns below Rs. 5000,1(3%) earns 10000–15000 and 3(10%) earns above Rs. 15000. Regarding Occupation of the head of the family most 14 (47%) of them belong to farmers, 5 (17%) belong to Government employee, 10 (33%) belongs to business and 1(3%) belongs to medical personal. Regarding residence most 23 (77%) of the students belong to urban area, 7 (23%) belong to rural area. Section 2 This section deals with the analysis and interpretation of data related with percentage distribution of Pre test knowledge score of self esteem. Majority 18 (60%) of B. Sc Nursing III year studentshad moderately adequate knowledge and 12 (40%) B. Sc Nursing III year studentshad inadequate knowledge regarding self esteem. Section 3 This section showed that frequency and percentage distribution of Post test knowledge score. Majority of 19 (63%) of B. Sc Nursing III year studentshad moderately adequate knowledge, 8 (27%) B. Sc Nursing III year studentshad adequate knowledge and 3 (10%) B. Sc Nursing III year studentshad inadequate knowledge regarding self esteem. Section 4 This section showed that mean score of Pre test knowledge and post test of B. Sc nursing III year students regarding self esteem were 11.2 (SD±3.8) and 17.1 (SD±4.7) respectively. The post test mean higher scores were higher than pre test mean scores. The Paired‘t’ value is 11.8. Calculated't’ value is higher than table value. Section 5 This section showed that chi-square values were calculated to find out the association between the knowledge regarding self esteem among B. Sc nursing III year students with age (χ2 =4.355), with religion (χ2= 2.65), with type of family (χ2= 0.226), with monthly income of the family (χ2 =14.202), occupation of the head of the family (χ2= 8.28), and residence (χ2= 1.7). The demographic variable had significant association with monthly income of the family in post test knowledge score regarding self esteem. Conclusion Knowledge is one of the important components of a person’s educational and work life. A nurse with a good knowledge will be able to provide much better care to her patients and to develop future nurses in educational institution. She will be satisfied with her job and fully committed to it. She will be able to develop her morals and values and a successful educational and professional image. The study was done to assess the effectiveness of concept map teaching method on self esteem among III year B.Sc nursing students in Bishop’s college of nursing, Dharapuram. The results showed that there is a significant difference between pre test and post test knowledge scores (paired ‘t’ value- 11.8) at 0.05 level. The study revealed that the knowledge score regarding self esteem was highly significant after administering concept map teaching. Findings showed that the concept map teaching was effective in increasing the knowledge among III Year B.Sc Nursing Students regarding self esteem. This concept map teaching played an important role in improving the knowledge of III Year B.Sc Nursing Students. Nursing college lectures and authorities have to take initiative and responsibility in starting concept map teaching in their institutions. Top Keywords Self-Esteem, Nursing Students. Top |