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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2018, Volume : 11, Issue : 5
First page : ( 2074) Last page : ( 2079)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00385.2

Hazards and problems facing nurse at Hiwa Hospital in Slemani City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Salih Galawezh Jalal1,*, Dr. Sahib Sanaa H. Abdul2

1M. Sc. Nurse, Hiwa Hospital, College of Nursing, University of Raparin, Iraq

2Assistant Professor and The Dean, College of Nursing, University of Raparin, Iraq

*Corresponding Author E-mail:

Online published on 21 August, 2018.


A descriptive study with qualitative design has been carried out at Hiwa oncology hospital to identify the sort of hazards and problems facing the nurses in the work environment in sIemani city from the period of 26th 1st November/2016 to April/2017. The sample of (100) hospital nurses from different departments and different categories have been selected purposively which represent 76% of the total target of nurses. Questionnaire was a tool of the study consists from two main parts, the first one was Socio demographic attribute of the nurses and the second was types of hazards and problems facing them during work. Reliability was achieved in value of (r=0.78) and validation was proved through panel of experts from different universities from different countries, Baghdad/Iraq, Hawler/Kurdistan region/Iraq, Oman and Jordan. The results of the study have reveled different hazards and injuries as well as the problems are facing the nurses through daily working such as physical and psychological as well as biological. The study depicted statistical comparative differences between sociodemographic attributes and the sort of hazards as well as comparative statistical differences and positive correlation within occupational hazards. It concluded that age, gender and marital status have no impact and correlations with hazards exist in the work place. Therefore the study recommended that the nurses need periodic training program for strengthening their standards of precautions and health agency as well as ministry of health are accountable to deliver minimize the injuries and their exposure to different problems and violence.



Hazards, Problems, .


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