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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2018, Volume : 11, Issue : 2
First page : ( 649) Last page : ( 652)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00121.X

Effectiveness of 5, 10, 15-min Video Self-Instruction in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training

Uhm Tai-Hwan1,*, Kim Jee-Hee2

1Department of Emergency Medical Services, Eulji University, Korea

2Department of Emergency Medical Services, Kangwon National University, Korea

*Corresponding Author E-mail:

Online published on 12 June, 2018.


This study examines the effect of video self-instruction (VSI) on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) performance and attitude. A five-minute video clip of adult CPR was shown once to a five-minute VSI group, twice to a ten-minute VSI group, and three times to a 15-minute VSI group. CPR self-assessment scores and manikin assessed performance were collected twice, one before and one after VSI. A paired t-test was used to compare self-assessment scores from before and after VSI; one-way ANOVA was used to compare CPR scores. When self-assessment scores from before and after VSI were compared, the five-minute VSI group showed a statistically significant difference (p=.03) in performances; the ten-minute VSI group showed a statistically significant difference (p=<.00) in knowledge and performances; and the 15-minute VSI group showed a statistically significant difference (p=.02) in knowledge, performances, and attitude. When manikin-assessed performance was compared, the 15-minute VSI group had a score relatively close to the guideline. In terms of accuracy in artificial respiration, there was a statistically significant difference (p=<.00) among the three groups, with the 15-minute VSI group scoring the highest. Self-instruction through repeated viewing of CPR videos affected positively not only CPR knowledge but also performance and attitude.



Knowledge, performance, attitude, self-assessments cores, manikin-assessment.


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