Mixing two Organic Dyes to Fabricate Solar Cell Concentrator Mohsen Suhad. H.1, Mohammed Hussain. J.2, Hassan Adnan F.1,* 1Department of Physics, University of Kufa/College of Sciences 2Department of Chemistry, University of Kufa/College of Sciences *Corresponding Author E-mail: adnanf.aljubury@uokufa.edu.iq
Online published on 16 May, 2018. Abstract A luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) was made by mixing two organic dyes; erythrosine and, eosin y then silicon solar cell efficiency was measured before and after synthesizing the luminescent concentrators having the two mixing dyes. Significant improvement was noticed in the solar cell efficiency from (9.03) to (11.24). The best concentration of the mixing dyes was identified with equal proportions. Also, (Voc, Ish, FF, η) was calculated. Top Keywords Conversion efficiency Solar cell, Dye concentrator. Top |