Characteristics of Networks in Nursing Units Won Hyojin* Dept. of Nursing, Baekseok Culture University, Cheonan, Dongnam-gu, 31065, Korea *Corresponding Author E-mail:
Online published on 16 May, 2018. Abstract Background/Objectives This study were to investigate task advice networks of nursing staffs in the general hospital and to identify the centrality of nursing staffs and the density of nursing units. Methods/Statistical analysis The present study was a descriptive study designed to examine the centrality of nursing staffs and the density of nursing units. The participants were 243 nurses working in the general unit (GU), emergency room(ER), intensive care unit (ICU), and operating room (OR) from 2 general hospitals. The collected data were analyzed using UCINET 6.0 and SPSS 22.0. Findings The result of the centrality of the nursing staffs, degree and closeness centrality was a significant difference in pattern of shift. Also, the density by the types of nursing unit was not a significant difference. Improvements/Applications This study explores the network structure of nursing units in Korea, and may give the evidence to develop nursing human resources strategies. Top Keywords Nursing staff, Task advice networks, Centrality, Density. Top |