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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2017, Volume : 10, Issue : 9
First page : ( 2939) Last page : ( 2944)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00520.0

A Study on Patent Disputes Strategy in Virtual Reality Technology area, Focused on NPE Litigation

Chung Da-Un1,*, Lee Sang-bok2,**, Lee Seok-Kee3,***

1Dept. of Smart Convergence Consulting, Hansung University, Seoul, Korea

2Dept. of Industrial and Management Engineering, Hansung University, Seoul, Korea

3Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hansung University, Seoul, Korea

*Corresponding Author E-mail: dream8252@naver.com



Online published on 16 May, 2018.



The companies concentrate in M&A or investment for leading a VR technology, which is the one of the biggest issues in ICT industry. As VR market gets bigger, the patent litigation of NPE comes to a threatening issue. This litigation consumes a lot of money and time, so for that it has a purpose to suggest the way to minimize a company's damage.

Methods/Statistical analysis

We will search whether the VR tech market develops or not, through the trend of patent application. As VR market gets bigger, we suggest the way to correspond to the litigation of NPE, which is the one of threatening issues. At first, by making a NPE list that is threatening for, monitoring patents that NPE is gathering with. Second, by monitoring VR tech patents, analyzes the related patents if there's a patent gathered from NPE for the cases of changed authority. Third, acquiring a date of issue to correspond for patent litigation when submitted a VR tech application.


As VR market gets bigger, companies are spending on research and development to secure a share of the market with the better technology. Applies for patent to exercise the right of this technology, there are some NPE which makes profit from the litigation between companies without spending on research and development. This is a way to correspond the litigation with these NPE, the company suggested the way to protect this right by monitoring a status of patent purchase in the area of research and development. Patents to continuous purchased and technologies with a potential source of litigation prevent by designing around a patent or reinforcing. And above all, the patent grant a right to the person who submit patent application first uses the provisional application that can preoccupy a filing date of patent. So for that, company may protect the final result, which researched and developed by spent time and expense, moreover expect to minimize the damage of company from the patent litigation t.


When the advanced patent was applied to the market retained VR technology, the company may minimize the damage from the patent litigation by securing the filing date of patent and corresponding of litigation through the NPE monitoring.



Virtual reality, Patent litigation, Patent dipute, Provisional application, NPE.


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