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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2017, Volume : 10, Issue : 12
First page : ( 4339) Last page : ( 4342)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00795.8

Periodontal Health Status of Three Different Groups Wearing Temporary Partial Denture

Jyothi S.*, Robin Pon Kirubha, Ganapathy Dhanraj,  Anandiselvaraj

Department of Prosthodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Chennai

*Corresponding Author E-mail: jyothijain75@gmail.com

Online published on 26 March, 2018.



The aim of this study was to evaluate the periodontal complication in people wearing temporary partial denture.

Materials and methods

The patients were divided into the following three groups.

  1. Group-1 with maxillary RPD and mandibular natural teeth.

  2. Group-2 with maxillary natural teeth and mandibular RPD.

  3. Group-3 both maxilla and mandible with RPD.

Twenty two patients(8 females and 14males) wearing temporary partial denture was selected in that (5patients belong to group-1, 6patients belong to group-2, and 11patients belong to group-3). The initial periodontal assessment with plaque score(PLS), bleeding on probing(BOP), probing pocket depth(PPD), loss of attachment(LOA), furcation and mobility was carried out. All patients were periodontally assessed after denture insertion.


From this study it is been revealed that the group 3 people are more compromised periodontally when compared to other groups, as it has maximum of LOA, PPD. Next to group3, group1 people are compromised according to the mobility, furcation and PLS.


Removable acrylic resin partial dentures tend to adversely affect periodontal parameters when teeth are in contact with resin base. This effect is increased with longer duration of RPD wear. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the dentures well relieved from the gingival margin wherever possible.



Periodontal parameters, bleeding on probing, probing pocket depth, loss of attachment, plaque score and temporary partial denture.


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