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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2017, Volume : 10, Issue : 11
First page : ( 3981) Last page : ( 3989)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00723.5

Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Technique for Analysis of Bioactive Compounds of Methanolic Leaves extract of Lepidium sativum

Hussein Hussein J.1, Hameed Imad Hadi2,*, Hadi Mohammed Yahya3

1Department of Biology, College of Science for women, University of Babylon, Iraq

2College of Nursing, University of Babylon, Iraq

3College of Biotechnology, Al-Qasim Green University, Iraq

*Corresponding Author E-mail: imad_dna@yahoo.com

Online published on 26 March, 2018.


Cress (Lepidium sativum), sometimes referred to as garden cress to distinguish it from similar plants also referred to as cress (from old Germanic cresso which means sharp, spicy), is a rather fast-growing, edible herb. The objective of this study was analysis of the secondary metabolite products. Bioactives are chemical compounds often referred to as secondary metabolites. Ninteeth bioactive compounds were identified in the methanolic extract of Lepidium sativum. The identification of bioactive chemical compounds is based on the peak area, retention time molecular weight and molecular formula. GC-MS analysis of Lepidium sativum revealed the existence of the Glycerin, Monoethanolamine, 1-Deoxy-d-mannitol, 1-Nitro-2-propanol, 2-Butanamine, (S)-, Furfural, Allyl isothiocyanate, Paromomycin, 2-Hydroxy-2-(5-methylfuran-2-yl)1phenylethanone, 3, 6-Diazahomoadamantan-9-one Hydrazone, 2, 3, 4-Trimethoxycinnamic acid, 2-Naphthalenol, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 7-octahydro-1, 4a-dimethyl-7-(2)-, cis-Vaccenic acid, 9-Octadecenamide, γ-Tocopherol, Phthalic acid, decyl oct-3-yl ester, Ergosta-5, 22-dien-3-ol, acetate, (3β, 22E)-, Campesterol and Cholest-5-en-3-ol, 24-propylidene-, (3β). GC-MS is widely used in pharmaceutical industries for analytical research and development, quality control, quality assurance, production, pilot plants departments for active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), bulk drugs and formulations.



GC-MS, Bioactive Compounds, Leaves, Lepidium sativum..


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