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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2017, Volume : 10, Issue : 10
First page : ( 3595) Last page : ( 3597)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00651.5

Selenium Properties for Anti-Cancer

Thangavel K.*

HOD, Department of Chemistry, AMET University, Chennai

*Corresponding Author E-mail: thangam12156@yahoo.co.in

Online published on 26 March, 2018.


Selenium (Se) is a basic micronutrient that capacities as a redox watchman through its consolidation into proteins to ease oxidative worry in cells. In spite of the fact that the epidemiological information are to some degree disputable, the aftereffects of numerous thinks about recommend that inorganic and natural types of Se adversely influence growth movement, and that few selenoproteins, for example, GPXs, additionally assume critical parts in tumor advancement. As of late, a couple of researchers have inspected the relationship amongst Se and metastasis, a late occasion in malignancy movement, and have assessed the capability of Se as an against angiogenesis or hostile to metastasis operator. In this survey, exhibit the present learning about Se mixes and selenoproteins, and their consequences for the improvement of metastasis, with an accentuation on cell relocation, attack, and angiogenesis. In the growths of bosom, prostate, colorectal, fibrosarcoma, melanoma, liver, lung, oral squamous cell carcinoma, and mind glioma, there is either clinical proof connecting selenoproteins, for example, thioredoxin reductase-1 to lymph hub metastasis; in vitro thinks about showing that Se mixes and selenoproteins restrained cell motility, relocation, and attack, and decreased angiogenic considers some of these tumor cells; or creature thinks about demonstrating that Se supplementation brought about decreased microvessel thickness and metastasis. Together, these information bolster the thought that Se might be an against metastastatic component furthermore to being a tumor safeguard age.



Selenium, Selenoproteins, Fibrosarcoma, Thioredoxin, Metastastatic.


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