Implications for Cholera Outbreaks Warming Oceans, Phytoplankton and River Discharge Muralidharan V1, Dr. Deecaraman M.2 1Research Scholar, AMET University, Chennai 2Dr. M.G.R. University, Chennai Online published on 26 March, 2018. Abstract The affluence of phytoplankton and sea surface temperature (SST) in coastal waters of Bay of Bengal shows a beneficial relationship, because of its inverse association between them. This association emphasis by warming the climate to cholera outbreak with increase in SST vice versa to phytoplankton blooms. This study reviews about the association between these factors in Bay of Bengal and abundant diversity of phytoplanktons. It was evident for phytoplankton abundance independent of two physical factors such as nutrient-rich deep ocean waters and high river discharges with terrestrial nutrients. Causal mechanisms need to be clear when associating SST with phytoplankton for cholera outbreaks in regions of freshwater discharge for predominant phytoplankton production. Top Keywords Cholera outbreaks, SST, algal blooms, eutrophication, climate change. Top | |
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