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Year : 2020, Volume : 12, Issue : 4
First page : ( 159) Last page : ( 162)
Print ISSN : 0975-4407. Online ISSN : 2321-5836.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2321-5836.2020.00029.4

Study on analysing of risk factors and prevalance of urolithiasis in the tertiary hospitals of erode, Tamil Nadu

Kj Parvathi, Arya B., Sudha M.*, Sambathkumar R.

Department of Pharmcy Practice, J. K. K. Nattraja College of Pharmacy- Kumarapalayam -638183, Tamil Nadu, India.

*Corresponding Author E-mail: parvathikj309@gmail.com

Online published on 10 February, 2021.


Aim and Objective : Urinary stone occurance is predicted as 3% in all individuals and it affect up to 12% of the population during their lifetime. Urinary stone forms with standard range of 50% at 10 years of age and male has the highest proportion. Due to various etiological and risk factors it became a great burden socially and economically. So it is relevant to conduct a study on risk factors and prevalence associated with urolithiasis. Materials and Methods : A total of 110 patients were followed over a period of 9 months, and the prevalence and risk factors was studied. Data was collected with a self -administered questionnaire.Results : The prevalence of stones have markedly increased over the past 30 years and is of great concern in aging population. Out of 110 patients we found that 54.5% were females, 65% were in between the age 45–65 years, 39.9% stones are between 9-12mm, 39.09% of stone prevalence was at climate 84–86 °F, 72% were smokers, 35.45% were hypertensive patients, 55.45% had improper fluid intake and 21.8%.Conclusion : The relationship between the risk factors and prevalence had been established.The data shows the risk factors has a higher impact in formation of urolithiasis, The prevelance of urolithiasis was increased in higher temperature as a result of imbalance between input and output of fluids.



Urolithiasis, Risk factors, Prevalence.


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