Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF)-A Case Report Dr. Sodha Jinishaba* Assistant Professor, PDU Hospital, Rajkot *Corresponding Author E-mail: jinisha.red@gmail.com
Online published on 31 December, 2019. Abstract Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) is a collagen disorder and precancerous lesion which is commonly seen in the Indian subcontinent. Oral submucosal fibrosis is characterized by gradually increasing fibrosis of the submucosal oral cavity and pharynx, mainly the soft palate and cheek resulting in trismus. Though the exact aetiology is not known chronic irritation due to habit of chewing betel nut in various forms is a major contributory factor. There is no definite treatment for this condition. Many medical and surgical modalities have been tried. Various flaps have been used to reconstruct surgical defects following excision of fibrous bands. We present a case of oral submucous fibrosis reconstructed with bilateral nasolabial flap. Top Keywords Oral submucous fibrosis, nasolabial flap. Top | |
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