Pharmacognostic and Preliminary Phytochemical Studies on the Leaf of Beta vulgaris Linn. (Chenopodiaceae) Bhatt Darshna Y.1,*, Dr. Pandya S.S.2 1Assistant Professor, Kalol Institute of Pharmacy, Kalol, Gujarat 2Professor and P. G. Director, Shree Krishna Institute of Pharmacy, Becharaji, Gujarat *Corresponding Author E-mail:,
Online published on 29 October, 2015. Abstract The present communication deals with the macroscopical, microscopical and preliminary Phytochemical screening on the Beta vulgaris Linn. (Chenopodiaceae). B.vulgaris Linn. is widely used in traditional medicine in many parts of India for the treatment of various diseases and ailments viz. hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antifungal etc. No reports are available on the pharmacognostic nature of leaf of plant. Hence, the present study was undertaken to investigate the same. All the parameters were studied according to the WHO and Pharmacopoeial guidelines. The qualitative chemical tests on the successive solvent extract revealed the presence of Steroids, Triterpenoids, Proteins, Alkaloids, Saponins and Carbohydrates. Top Keywords Beta vulgaris L; Pharmacognostic; Traditional medicine, solvent extraction, Physico-chemical. Top |