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Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Year : 2010, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 85) Last page : ( 88)
Print ISSN : 0975-2331. Online ISSN : 0975-4385.

Anti-Ulcerogenic and Membrane Stabilization Effect of Ethanol Extract of Coconut (Cocos nucifera)

Assumpta Anosike Chioma*, Onyechi Obidoa, Nwodo Okwesilieze Fredrick C., Elijah Joshua Parker

Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author: Anosike Chioma Assumpta, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria, E-Mail: parkeselisco@yahoo.co.uk, Tel: +234 8037785462; +2348037804687; +234805970512

Online published on 21 March, 2013.


The effects of the ethanol extract of coconut on indomethacin – induced gastric ulcer in Wistar rats and on Hypotonicity induced haemolysis of human red blood cells were studied. Ulcer was induced in the rats by post oral (p.o.) administration of indomethacin (50mg/kg) using standard procedures. The percentage ulcer inhibition was taken as the measure of the cytoprotection offered by the coconut extract. The extracts reduced the gastric erosions induced by indomethacin in a dose dependent manner with 100mg/kg dose having an ulcer inhibition of 65.4%; 200mg/kg gave 67.9% inhibition while 400mg/kg caused a 70.1% reduction in the ulcerations formed. These results were comparable to the 91% reduction recorded for ranitidine, the standard anti-ulcer drug. The effect of the coconut extract on haemolysis induced by distilled water was evaluated by incubating various concentrations of the extract with red blood cells and distilled water. The effect of the standard anti-inflammatory drug, indomethacin was determined as a positive control. Changes in absorbance were used to assess the extent of haemolysis, hence membrane stabilization. From the results obtained, coconut extract gave a dose dependent reduction in the haemolysis induced by distilled water. This suggests that the extract has a stabilizing effect on lysosomal membranes.



Coconut extract, gastric erosions, cytoprotection, RBCs haemolysis, distilled water.


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