Ayurveda: A Need of Hours Sherekar Pushpalata1,*, Shinde Namdeo G.2 1Sawkar Pharmacy College, Jaitapur, Satara, Maharashtra, India 2Assistant Professor, Satara College of Pharmacy, Degaon, Satara, 415004, India, BATU University, M.S. India *Corresponding Author E-mail: pr.shindenamdeo@gmail.com
Online published on 31 December, 2019. Abstract Ayurveda is one of the oldest creation of Veda's. It is very oldest system in world of health consciousness. It's mainly with fundamental principles and theory based practicals. Sanskrit meaning of “Ayu” is Life and “Veda” is Knowledge or Science. Therefore, Ayurveda is generally translated as the science of life. Ayurveda has made significant contributions to medical Science. The Charaka defines Ayurveda as Hita Hitam Sukham Ayustasya Hita Hitam and Manam ka tacca Yatrokam Ayurveda Ucayate Charaka Sahita. Top Keywords Ayurveda, Charaka, Ayu, Veda, dosha. Top |