Review on herbal drugs used in treatment for Asthma Kalantri M. R.*, Aher A. N. NDMVP College of Pharmacy, Nashik *Corresponding Author E-mail: mmbihani@ gmail.com
Online published on 24 May, 2018. Abstract Asthma is common disease that found in world wide. Asthma affects 300 million people worldwide and will be affect more 100 million in 2025. Many drugs are available for asthma now a days. They are directly or indirectly derived from plants only. This synthetic drugs by continuous using causes some side effects. In India 45,000 plants species and among them, several are claimed medicinal property. Now research has been focused on scientific evaluation of herbal drug which are used as antiasthmatic with efficient theraupatic property. An attempt has been made to review antiasthmatic medicinal plants in this present article. Top Keywords Antiasthma, antiallergy, extracts, bronchospasm, inflammation. Top | |
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