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Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Year 2009, Volume-1, Issue-1 (July–August)
Print ISSN : 0975-2331
Online ISSN : 0975-4385

Table of contents

Review Articles

Bioassay: -An uncomplicated methodologies for ensure safety of Traditional Formulations
Karunakar Shukla

Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Indian Medicinal Plants Zizyphus Mauritiana Lamk
F Nikhat, D Satyanarayana, EVS Subhramanyam

Research Articles

Evaluation of In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of stem-bark and stem-wood of Premna serratifolia Lin., (Verbenaceae)
Rekha Rajendran, N Saleem Basha, S Ruby

Antidiabetic Activity of Marsilea quadrifolia linn in Alloxan-Diabetic Rats
SS Dongare, AP Maske, SM Patil, RP Umbare, GS Mate

Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Orthosiphon Stamnineus Benth Bark Extract
GS Mate, RP Umbare, SM Patil, SS Dongare, NS Naikwadi

Solid-State Fermentation for the Production of L-Asparaginase by Aspergillus Sp
V Sreenivasulu, KN Jayaveera, P Mallikarjuna Rao

Evaluation of Antidiarrhoeal Activity of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Ageratum Conyzoides Linn
Mangesh V Tote, Ashutoshpal Jain, Nitin B Mahire, Vaishali R Undale, Ashok V Bhosale

Optimization of process parameters for the production of L-asparaginase from an isolated fungus
V Sreenivasulu, KN Jayaveera, P Mallikarjuna Rao

Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory, Antipyretic and Wound Healing Activity of Curcuma Inodora (Zingibaraceae)
Deepak Bharati, SA Sonawane, KG Kanase, VR Undale, MM Abhynkar, AV Bhosale

Antioxidative characteristics of ethanol and aqueous extracts of Curcuma amada rhizomes
Ram Kumar Sahu, Harideep Singh, Amit Roy

Antibacterial and Wound Healing Activity of the Leaves of Annona squamosa Linn. (Annonaceae)
Chitra Shenoy, M B Patil, Ravi Kumar

Antimicrobial activity of Saussurea lappa Clarke Roots
SM Patil, MB Patil, GN Sapkale, RP Umbare

Formulation And Evaluation Of The Tablets Prepared With Chloroform Extract Of Pandanus Fascicularis Lamk. Leaves
Prabhudutta Panda, Maitrayee Panda, Siva Shankar Nayak, Durga Prasad Panda

Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Borassus flabellifer L. Male Flowers (Inflorescences) on Chemically Induced Inflammation in Wistar Rats.
Sachin R Patil, MB Patil, Ravi Kumar, Mahesh S. Paschapur

Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Casuarina equisetifolia Frost (Casuarinaceae)
Anil Kumar Aher, Subodh Pal, Sadahev Yadav, Umesh Patil, Snehendu Bhattacharya

Analgesic activity of Tamarindus indica
NS Dighe, SR Pattan, SA Nirmal, RS Kalkotwar, VM Gaware, MB Hole

In Vitro Cytotoxic Activity of Leaves of Abutilon indicum Linn. Against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma and Dalton's Ascitic Lymphoma Cell Line.
AV Bondre, SC Akare, P Mourya, AD Wanjari, PS Tarte, GV Paunikar

Studies on Antimicrobial Activity of Boswellia serrata, Moringa oleifera and Vitex negundo: A comparison
Trapti Rastogi, Deepali S Ghorpade, UA Deokate, SS Khadabadi

Short Communication

Anthelmintic activity of Smilex zeylanica leaf.
Qureshi Md. Shamim, IC Giri, VK Panday, R Choudhary, J Patel


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