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Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology
Year : 2016, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : ( 173) Last page : ( 176)
Print ISSN : 0975-234X. Online ISSN : 0975-4377.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0975-4377.2016.00023.9

Role of Hydrophilic Carrier in Solubility Enhancement

Sonawane Tushar D.1,*, Mujoriya Rajesh Z.2

1Scientist II, Torrent Pharmaceutical Ltd, Bhat Village, Gandhinager, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

2Assistant Professor, Agnihotri College of Pharmacy, Wardha, Maharashtra

*Corresponding Author E-mail: raj_mujoriya@live.com, tdsonawane@rediffmail.com

Online published on 18 October, 2016.


The purpose of this study is to enhance solubility and dissolution rate of poorly water soluble drug, Different methods are used for solubility enhancement such as particle size reduction, complexation, Self emulsifying drug delivery, use of surfactant, out of that solid dispersion technique is used. Ketoconazole is used as a drug of choice for solubility enhancement. Solid dispersions were prepared by using hydrophilic carrier Polyethylene glycol 4000, Polyethylene glycol 6000 and urea. Drug carrier solid dispersions were prepared by solvent evaporation method. Prepared solid dispersions of ketoconazole was shows remarkable increase in the solubility and dissolution rate. Prepared solid dispersions were investigates for In-vitro dissolution study.



Hydrophilic carrier, Solvent evaporation, poorly soluble drugs, Ketoconazole.


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