Sustainable Societies: A Comparative analysis of India and Canada Dr. Bonagani Rama Rao* Assistant Professor, Central University of Kerala, Kerala (state), India *Corresponding Author Email: ramaraophd@gmail.com
Online published on 31 October, 2018. Abstract A sustainable society is one that ensures providing the socio-economic development, vitality of itspeoplelifes as well as itsculture and continues these for future generationsthrough its adopted political regime in a state. Durkheim has defined a society as ‘’an internally differentiated yet functionally integrated system, whose operations could be understood only from the point view of the whole.” India and Canada are the two majorsocieties states in the world. India is one of an Asian continent state. In contrast, Canada is one of a North American continent state. Geographically, both the countries are far away from each other. India is having a federal parliamentary constitutional republic government. In contrast, Canada is having a federal parliamentary representative democracy under constitutional monarchy. This article has analyzedcomparatively about these two states similarities as well asdissimilarities, parliaments as well as governments, bilateral relationsand the status as well as the level of how far these two countries have got sustained as per the sustainable society index(SSI) indicators. The conclusion has dealt the major findings of theresearch article. Top Keywords Efficacy, Compensatory Laws. Top | |
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