Socio-economic Impact of Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh Prof. Dr. Ahmed Neaz* Professor, Department of Social Work *Corresponding Author Email: neazahmed_2002@yahoo.com
Online published on 24 May, 2018. Abstract This paper aims at understanding about the socio-economic impact on women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh. Though Bangladeshi women are entering into business sector, they continue to remain vulnerable and marginalised. One of the indications of their marginalisation is lack of information and statistics about the situation of women entrepreneurs. This study was therefore carried out focusing on socio-economic impacton entrepreneurship over women lives. For this, exploratory and qualitative research approaches were adopted. All female entrepreneurs of handloom industry in Sylhet City Corporation of Bangladesh were considered as population and data were collected from the purposive sampling method from the population using in depthinterview schedule. Results indicate that their values and reputations have gained upliftment along with their business. Nonetheless, these women had to face a number of difficulties while trying to set up their work such as finding a place to open a shop in the market. Market authorities do not believe in women's efficiency, so do the banks. It is difficult for the women entrepreneurs to manage loans from the banks. Most of the respondents had said that they do not face any complications performing their roles as spouse, parents, or homemaker while running the business. Most of the time, their husbands, or other family members encourage them to start and continue a business. After starting the business, most women feel that their status has raised not only within the family but also within the society. Now they enjoy freedom and also contributeeconomically and to family decision making. Top Keywords Handloom, Women, Entrepreneurs, Empowerment, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Top | |
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