Non - Violence: The National Tamil Press on salt Satyagraha at Vedaranyam, 1930 - 1931 Venkatraman V.1,*, Dr.Head and Associate Professor 1Research Centre in History, Rajapalayam Rajus’ College, Rajapalayam. *Corresponding Author Email: drvv1964@gmail.com
Abstract Gandhi’s re-entry to the active politics and his Salt satyagraha march to Dandi in March 1930 infused a new spirit to the national movement. In Madras Presidency, C.Rajagopalachari gained maximum control of Tamilnadu Provincial Congress Committee. He drew up a plan for salt satyagraha march in the Tamil province on the Gandhian style and planned to conduct the same from Trichi to Vedaranyam beach. T.Prakasam, the prominent leader of Andhra Provincial Congress had a difference of opinion with Rajagopalachari on the selection of venue for breaking the salt law in the Madras Presidency. When Rajagopalachari decided to conduct the march at Vedaranyam beach, T.Prakasam appealed to the Andhra people to participate in the marina beach salt satyagraha1. C.Rajagopalachari led the salt satyagraha march from the house of T.S.S.Rajan from Trichy along with hundred volunteers. The march started on 13’ April 1930 and reached Vedaranyam on 28" April. On 1’ May 1930, Rajagopalachari broke the salt law at Vedaranyam beach2. The above developments caught the attention of the press. Top Keywords Non-Violence, Salt Satyagraha, Dandi March, The Sudandira Sangu, The Tamilnadu and the Swadesamitram. Top | | | |
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