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Year : 2021, Volume : 12, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 6)
Print ISSN : 0975-6795. Online ISSN : 2321-5828. Published online : 2021  15.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2321-5828.2021.00007.3

Impact of Agriculture Finance on Agricultural Development in Southern Part of Assam

Laskar Farid Ahmed1,*Ph.D Scholar, Rashid Abdur2,*Dr.Head and Associate Professor

1Department of Economics, University OF Science and TechnologyMeghalaya.

2University OF Science and TechnologyMeghalaya.

*Corresponding Author Email: laskar786laskar@gmail.com, marashidmcomllb@gmail.com

Received:  23  October,  2020; :  11  November,  2020; Accepted:  29  November,  2020.


Agriculture is the mainstay of the Indian economy, because it contributes to the economic and social welfare of the entire Nation through its influence on the GDP and employment. Even after more than 60 years of country’s independence this agriculture continues to be the backbone of the country’s economy. Instead of this tremendous importance, the developmental efforts in enhancing the farm level efficiency and agricultural growth have been overlooked by the policy makers and it never got the attention it merits. The present work is grounded on a primary data gathered through personal interview of 105 farmers of three districts of the Valley. The average efficiency level of the farmer and the increase of agriculture are found inconsistent due to diverse reasons as identified. The outcome shows that there exists some scope to improve the efficiency of the farmers with the existing level of inputs use and with the availabel technology. Thus a uniform and a challenging mode of defending this process and to support policy making is to analyze and evaluate the performance of farm level efficiency of agriculture and its growth. Many research works have already been performed by the eminent researchers giving very little attention to the farm level efficiency of factory farm and its increase of North Eastern Region (NER) in general and Assam and its Southern region in particular. This written report can provide necessary support to policy makers, innovators and research scholars in measuring the performance of farmer’s level of efficiency along with agricultural growth and development of Barak Valley Region of Assam.



Agriculture, Finance, Development.


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