An Analysis on the Political Dimensions of Entrepreneurs belonging to Backward Classes in Karnataka State Dr. Kumar Anil1,*, Prof. Naik Jaya2 1Assistant Professor & HOD of Economics, SJM First Grade College of Arts and Commerce Tarikere, Dist-Chikkamagluru 2Principal & Associate Professor of Commerce, SJM First Grade College of Arts and Commerce Tarikere, Dist-Chikkamagluru *Corresponding Author Email:
Online published on 27 April, 2020. Abstract It is evidently found that in the 21st century the industrialization has far reaching impacts than ever before on Indian society. Evidently, the majority of the backward classes lagged behind in the race towards industrialization. Surprisingly Indian government realizing the hard reality of the present situation and started several programs like Entrepreneurial Schemes of NBCFDC to encourage people belonging to backward classes to attain the entrepreneurial success. The issue of backward class assumes greater significance in the discipline of Political Science. There have been many political scientists who have been arguing that the only solution for the problems of backward class is through implementation of political policies. Hence, even today the numbers of entrepreneurs belonging to backward class are very less and they face huge problems. Hence in this background the present study has been placed to analyse the socio-economic conditions of backward classes in Karnataka state. To fulfill the above stated objectives the researcher has obtained primary data from 100 sample of respondents from various cities of Karnataka state. The general problems of backward class have been identified by the above commissions. Social Problems: the concept of purity and pollution the untouchables were given a very low position in the society. High castes maintained social distance from them. Economic Problems: Backward class people were deprived of land property of their own. Education Problems: They were not allowed to use public educational institutions. Hence, social, economic and educational criterias were mainly used by these commissions to identify backward classes. Top Keywords Backward Classes, NBCFDC, Political Policies, Entrepreneurship, Development. Top |