Role of Advertisement Agency to Promote Tourism in Nepal Mr. Sapkota Lalit* Research Scholar, Private *Corresponding Author Email: sapkota_lalit@yahoo.com
Online published on 27 April, 2020. Abstract Advertisement creates an image in the mind of targeted tourists and persuades them to visit different places of Nepal. Advertising agencies have to prepare different promotional advertisement regarding tourism in Nepal. Nepal has huge prosperity in tourism sector and it is attempting to promote its tourism through different programs. The strong presence of advertising agency will help to retain qualitative human resources in this field which help to create image regarding tourism in Nepal. Advertisement of tourism sector and destinations plays vital role for the promotion of tourism sector in Nepal. Though large number of tourists visits Nepal after getting advice from their friends and family, there is the prosperous chance to enhance tourism sector by creating effective advertisement policy of the tourist destinations. Top Keywords Advertisement, Tourism, Tourist, Creating image, Destination. Top | |
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