Integration of Corporate Needs in Curriculum: in Holistic View Dr Gupta Neeru1, Ms Goel Shivani2, Ms Choyal Swati2 1Assistant Professor, Department of Management, MAIT, Delhi 2Student, MBA Department, MAIT, Delhi Online published on 31 December, 2019. Abstract Today, business school curriculums typically educate students in the key business disciplines. Many business schools deliver their curriculum by creating courses based on functional areas, rather than the integration of knowledge from a holistic market. B-schools have to exercises different approaches to teach students real operating environment. The role of modern business is not only to integrate corporate needs in curriculum, but also to demonstrate good corporate citizenship for students. Today, business educators have the responsibility to prepare students for the role of modern business, including corporate citizenship, sustainability and social responsibility. The aim in this paper is to identify, key approaches that would help to integrate corporate needs in curriculum. This paper will allow business educators to explore ways to accomplish their responsibility. Top | |
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