‘Restricting Birth’: Dr B. R. Ambedkar as Advocate of Population Control Policy Shivangi* Research Scholar, Department of History, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar (Central) University, Lucknow, U.P. *Corresponding Author Email: shivangi2win@gmail.com
Online published on 31 December, 2019. Abstract In colonial India, the maternal and child mortality rates were higher, this paper thus attempts to explore the ideas of Dr. Ambedkar on the birth-control movement in the nineteenth century India. As the number of studies on reproductive health in India is proliferating today, it becomes inevitable to study the views of Indian reformers on the family planning and problems of over-population. His speech in Bombay Provincial Assembly later published in the volume of his ‘writing and speeches’ used as a source to get an insight into Dr Ambedkar's insistence on the necessity of birth-control measures in post-colonial India for better health and a sound economy. Top Keywords Birth-control, Ambedkar, Health, Infant mortality, Poverty, Over-population. Top | |
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