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Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 1
First page : ( 253) Last page : ( 258)
Print ISSN : 0975-6795. Online ISSN : 2321-5828.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2321-5828.2019.00046.9

Perspectives in the Literature of Common Property Resources A Brief Review

Saha Moumita Suklabaidya1,*, Dr. Goswami Samrat2

1PhD. Scholar, Department of Rural Studies, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar, 799022

2Assistant Professor, Department of Rural Studies, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar, 799022, Sam449@gmail.com

*Corresponding Author Email: moumitasuklabaidya@gmail.com

Online published on 15 May, 2019.


Common Property Resources have long been an area of research, as the decline of, and, the importance of the resource, both has been immensely identified on a constant basis. The resources of the particular type have been proven as the engine to attain sustainable development, particularly for marginal rural population, who depend significantly on them. The present paper is a narrative to portray the dimensions which have been captured through the studies conducted by different researchers for a prolonged period of over the half of a century, starting with the seminal work of Gordon, in 1954. Moreover, the study tries to come up with a conclusion, on the basis of the importance of the factor combinations, rather than the roles of the individual factors, behind the success or failure of the common property resources in attaining the sustainable rural development. The present paper is divided in five sections. After the introduction, second section deals with the conceptual works of CPRs, followed by the third section, which focuses upon the characteristics of CPRs. The forth section discusses the studies conducted by researchers covering different dimensions of CPR and the final section confers the present works on CPR along with the future scopes of study. However, with climate change approaching and pressure of migration, further research on CPR is the need of the hour.



Common property resource, property rights, resource management, rural development, sustainability.


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