“Witnessing” Yoga Sleep in time reduction process of Internet Game Disorder in Adolescent groups Dadhore Sadhna*, Gowda G. Paran** University of Patanjali, Haridwar, Uttarakhand *Corresponding Author Email: sadhnadadhore112@gmail.com
Online published on 15 May, 2019. Abstract Ancient Indian yoga texts and present day researches explore the linkages between the mind and body, including ‘witnessing’ quality of the mind. This paper attempts to answer the gaps in tentative Internet Game Disorder (IGD) by using the technique of “Witnessing” one's own addiction through Yoga method. Yoga sleep (yoga nidra) for 10–15 minutes is suggested to overcome tentative addiction disorder. We have selected a sample size of 630 participants from the school students in the age group of 15–18 years from Bhopal city, India. The main findings on the basis of frequency of the online playing game conditions with and without yoga nidra was seen with dominant 87.70% frequency percentage while there is nobody in the control group with one hour internet game play. It further indicates that the internet addiction decreases with increase in yoga nidra. The statistical ‘t'test results show significant difference at p<0.001. It may be concluded that yoga nidra techniques may help the students in reducing the tentative internet online game disorder time from 7.25 to 1.13 hours/day. Top Keywords Internet Game Disorder, Yogic sleep, time. Top | |
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