Measures in Mathematics Verma Gaurav* Assistant Professor in Mathematics, Gobindgarh Public College, Khanna, Ludhiana, India-141001 *Corresponding Author Email: gk_gaurav35@yahoo.com
Online published on 24 May, 2018. Abstract The current paper presents the concept of measures in mathematics. The terms “measure, ” “measurable, ” etc. have very precise technical definitions that can make them appear difficult to understand. Measures are important not only because of their intrinsic geometrical and probabilistic significance, but because they allow us to define integrals. In this paper, we discuss brief theory of measures and their properties. The paper also includes the various important list of examples of the measure that are used in various fields of mathematics. We have used standard definitions and notations from set theory. Top Keywords Measure, set, Lebsegue. Top | |
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