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Research on Crops
Year : 2019, Volume : 20, Issue : 2
First page : ( 376) Last page : ( 380)
Print ISSN : 0972-3226. Online ISSN : 2348-7542.
Article DOI : 10.31830/2348-7542.2019.055

Influence of employed Tilt 250 EC fungicide on yellow rust of wheat in Iraq

Hamid Alyaa Jabbar*

Animal Production Department, AL Mussaib Technical College AL Furat Alawsat Technical University, Iraq

*e-mail: kka_ff70@yahoo.com


The influence of the use of Tilt fungicide on the treatment of yellow rust was studied on the wheat variety taken from Adana area of Turkey. The study was conducted at the wheat farm in Babylon province in Iraq during agricultural season of 2017–18. Three concentrations of the Tilt pesticide (0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 l/ha) were used with a control treatment sprayed with ordinary water. The planting of the wheat crop was done on 10th November 2017. After two weeks of spraying, the results showed a marked improvement in the treatment of yellow rust when using the different concentrations of Tilt pesticide. The best result was the disappearance of the disease when Tilt pesticide concentration of 0.75 l/ha was used. The severity of infection was 5.3 S and 11.5 S scales when the pesticide was used with the concentrations of 0.50 and 0.25 l/ha, respectively. The highest severity of the disease was recorded under control treatment. There was significant increase in the length of wheat spike and weight of 1000-grain with the use of increasing levels of pesticide concentrations compared to control treatment.



Pesticide, Tilt insecticide, wheat, yellow rust.


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