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Year : 2023, Volume : 17, Issue : 1to3
First page : ( 29) Last page : ( 40)
Print ISSN : 0974-5041. Online ISSN : 2249-0035. Published online : 2023  02.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-0035.2023.00003.7

Alternative dispute resolution and its mechanism – A critical analysis in the light of access to justice in India

Roy Caesar*

Assistant Professor of Law, Surendranath Law College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

*Email id: caesarroy123@gmail.com

Online Published on 2 March, 2024.

Received:  07  October,  2022; Accepted:  07  November,  2023.


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a negotiation-based method of resolving conflicts that differs from traditional adjudication processes. ADR offers the ADR offers the ability to prune the prodigious heap of cases by providing a speedy and cost-effective means of resolving disputes. The introduction of ADR in India is discussed and analysed in this article. Here ADR refers to the process of dispute settlement and represents the idea of making the system of delivering justice more favourable to disputed parties which ensure that cases be settled quickly. Meaning, scope and various kinds of justice delivery systems of ADR are discussed here. The functions of ADR are also mentioned. Various advantages and disadvantages of ADR mechanism are thoroughly stated in this article. Lastly, the article is ended with some suggestions.



Alternative dispute resolution, Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation, Lok Adalat, Settlement.


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