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Pesticide Research Journal
Year : 2019, Volume : 31, Issue : 2
First page : ( 205) Last page : ( 210)
Print ISSN : 0970-6763. Online ISSN : 2249-524X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-524X.2019.00027.X

Dissipation of Acetamiprid Residues in Okra Fruits and Red Soil of West Bengal

Mukhopadhyay Soumi, Biswas PK*

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agriculture, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan, 731 236, Birbhum, West Bengal, India

*Corresponding author E-mail: ppabitra07@rediffmail.com/soumim962@gmail.com

Online published on 8 January, 2020.


The residual fate and dissipation pattern of acetamiprid 20 per cent SP on okra fruits and soil in red and lateritic belt of the Indian sub-continent are reported. The insecticide was applied at the recommended (T1) 15 g a.i. ha−1 and double the recommended (T2) 30 g a.i. ha−1 doses along with an untreated control (T3) for two consecutive seasons (Rabi 2015–16 and Rabi 2016–17). The field cropped soil and fruits were collected at different time intervals. The half-life values were found in the range of 14.76 to 23.34 d in okra cropped soil and 0.87 to 1.46 d in okra fruits, irrespective of the dose and season. More than 65 per cent of acetamiprid dissipated after 45 d of application on cropped soil and more than 90 per cent in fruits after 5 d of application. This insecticide could safely be recommended for application as no residues were detected after 7 d of application in okra fruits.



Acetamiprid, dissipation, half life, okra, persistence.


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