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Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems
Year 2022, Volume-28, Issue-2 (December)
Print ISSN : 0971-6831
Online ISSN : 0974-4541

Table of contents RSS Feed

Review Article

Status and scope of entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana in sustainable pest management : A review
M. C. Keerthi, K. Darshan, L. Manjunatha, P.V. Rami Reddy

Research Articles

Management of legume pod borers on Yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis L.)
K. Rajashekharappa, S. Ambarish, Nuzhat Banu Didgur, Ramesh Maradi

Impact of different pest management modules on the major insect pests and their predators on tomato
Jaydeep Halder, Sujan Majumder, K. K. Pandey

Evaluation of different integrated pest management modules against Thrips parvispinus Karny in chilli
Y. Lalitha Priya, K. Sireesha, N. Emmanuel, B. Tanuja Priya, K. Umakrishna

Field efficacy of different biorationals and insecticides against brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee) under terai region of West Bengal
Suraj Sarkar, Suprakash Pal, Shyamal Sahoo, Nripendra Laskar, Joydeb Ghosh

In-vitro compatibility of entomopathogenic fungus, Lecanicillium lecanii (Zimm.) Zare and Gams with insecticides and fungicides
Tejaswi G. Gowda, O. P. Reji Rani

Preferential response of melon fruit fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae) to major tomato hybrids
R. Vijay, G. Keshavareddy, K. R. Vasudeva

Occurrence of Aphis odinae van der Goot and its natural enemies in cashew
K. Vanitha, T. N. Raviprasad, H. Rajashekara, Babli Mog

Preference of pumpkin beetles, Aulacophora spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to different cucurbitaceous hosts
P. Manikandan, M. Saravanaraman, K. Suguna, V. Selvanarayanan

Bioefficacy of insecticides and plant based oils against red spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae) in okra
D. Niruba, M. Chandrasekaran, C. Gailce Leo Justin, A. Kalyanasundaram

Development and evaluation of formulations of Lecanicillium lecanii against Myzus persicae
Y. B. Varun, S. H. Ramanagouda, J. B. Gopali, Shashikant Evoor, T. N. Sachinkumar, S. H. Rashmi

Studies on abundance and visitation rate of pollinators in radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
M. Mahesh, K. Padmini, G. K. Ramegowda, R. Venugopalan, M. Anjanappa

Effect of medicinal plants on cocoon parameters of PM×CSR2 inoculated with BmNPV and Staphylococcus sciuri
K. V. Anitharani, R. N. Bhaskar, Manjunath Gowda, S. Chandrashekhar, Anitha Peter

Biology and morphometrics of peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) on mango
M. K. Jena, S. R. Patel

Dissipation, persistence and risk assessment of imidacloprid 17.8 SL on tomato
Sanjay Kumar Sahoo, Vinod Kumar Dubey

Host dynamics and molecular characterization of neo tropical invasive Bondar’s Nesting Whitefly (BNW), Paraleyrodes bondari Peracchi (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Andhra Pradesh
P. V. Raghuteja, N. B. V. Chalapathi Rao, E. Padma, B. Neeraja, A. Kireeti, V. Govardhana Rao, G. Koteswara Rao, B. V. K. Bhagavan

Identification of efficient attractant forthe management of shot hole borer, Xylosandrus compactus infesting coffee
A. Roobakkumar, P. Krishna Reddy, M. S. Uma, K. Tintumol, H.G. Seetharama, N. Surya Prakash Rao

Plant health clinic (PHC) startups as a viable extension model for transfer of biocontrol products in horticultural crops
Abraham Verghese, M. A. Rashmi

Escape resistance in fieldpea against Phytomyza horticola Goureau, as influenced by sowing time and its correlation with plant metabolites
Rajeev Kumar Yadav, Anup Chandra, Ashok Kumar Parihar, G.K. Sujayanand, Vaibhav Kumar, Sanjay M. Bandi, Meenakshi Arya, Usha

Integrated management of sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Brentidae)
Gouri Shankar Giri, Kaushal Kishor, Vinod Kumar Dubey, Sourav Maji

Modified tree trunk banding technology for mango mealybug, Drosicha mangiferae (Green) management: A techno-economic analysis
H. S. Singh, Gundappa Baradevanal, Dharam Beer

Biochemical basis of resistance against root knot nematodes in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
G. Santhosh, R. Uma Maheshwari, K. S. Shivashankara, Naresh Ponnam, D. C. Lakshman Reddy, D. K. Nayak, B. K. Dash

Plant Pathology

Survey, characterization and management of leaf blight of Chrysanthemum caused by Alternaria alternata (Fries) Keissler
H. G. Sujatha, B. Anjaneya Reddy, R. K. Ramachandra, G.K Seetharamu

Screening of betel vine inter-specific hybrids for resistance to Phytophthora nicotianae
G. P. Mohankumar, K. Hima Bindu, S. Sriram, Subhash Sri Sanjay Malempati

Assessment and molecular detection of Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus in mandarin orange and acid lime in Tamil Nadu
Konda Sameer, Vaikuntavasan Paranidharan

Biocontrol potential of Bacillus subtilis Lb22 against fruit rot of King chilli, Capsicum chinense Jacq.
Bishal Saikia, Popy Bora, Trishna Taye, Rajashree Chetia, Ruthy Tabing, Trishangi Neog, Swarup Nayak

Etiology of sooty blotch disease of Aegle marmelos and its management
Sangeetha Ganesan, Hari Shankar Singh, Debasish Biswal, Kundun Kishore, Deepa Samant, Supriya Sahu, Madhuri Pattanaik, Petikam Srinivas, Duleep Kumar Samuel

Reaction of ginger cultivars against Phyllosticta zingiberi causing leaf spot and its management
K. T. Arunakumara, C. Satyanarayana, S.V. Patil

Research Notes

Efficacy of biorational insecticides against aphids, Aphis craccivora in amaranthus
B. J. Manjushree, Jayalaxmi Narayan Hegde, K. Rajashekarappa, B. Gangadhara Naik, Nagarajappa Adivappar

Evaluation of insecticides for management of thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood in cashew
V. K. Zote, A. Y. Munj, V. S. Desai, R. C. Gajbhiye

Influence of pollination by honey bee (Apis cerana indica F.) on the yield parameters of bottle gourd
D. H. Padhiyar, S. R. Patel

Evaluation of different insecticides against leaf roller, Pyrausta coclesalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyraustidae) in bamboo
C. Mohan, Ramkishore Mohabe, Rambhajan Singh, Neelu Singh, Fatima Shirin

Parasitisation efficiency of Tetrastichus howardi olliff (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on Diaphania pulverulentalis hampson (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) pupae at different depths of soil
C. Harshitha, B. Sannappa, S. Mahiba Helen, J. B. Narendra Kumar

Efficacy of a new fungicidal molecule for the management of Phytophthora capsici in Capsicum
K. Ajithkumar, A. S Savitha, G. Ramesh, M. Renuka, M. Y. Ajayakumar

Book Review

Trends in Horticultural Entomology (Vol. I and II) (editor : M. Mani)
P.V. Rami Reddy


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