A study on library networks and consortia in India Lakavath Harilal1,*, Ramesh B.2,** 1Librarian, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India 2Librarian, TTWRDC (M) Sangareddy, Pedda Kangarla, Patanchervu, Telangana, India (*Corresponding author) email id: harilal.lakavath@gmail.com
Online Published on 2 July, 2024. Abstract The concept of library networking and consortia to aid information resource sharing and support activities in libraries has become a significant necessity the worldwide. The rise of information technology in general, and the World Wide Web (www) in particular, is creating a channel for information exchange and storage. In this environment, the majority of libraries are purchasing e-information to suit their clients’ needs because it is quick and simple to provide. Consortia are highly effective e-information platforms for delivering precise and specialized information. This book kicks off a full-flash momentum for the library consortia system and consortia in India. The study also examines its forms, why consortia are required in libraries, and the desirable characteristics of consortia in libraries. Top Keywords Library network, Library consortia, E-consortia, Consortia in India. Top |