Influence of SRI method of rice cultivation on insect pest incidence and arthropod diversity Padmavathi Ch., Kumar R. Mahender, Rao L.V. Subba, Surekha K., Prasad M. Srinivas, Babu V. Ravindra, Pasalu I.C. Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, 500 030, Andhra Pradesh, India Abstract Field experiments were conducted in dry and wet seasons in 2005 and 2006 at Directorate of Rice Research – Ramachandrapuram farm to assess the insect pest scenario in system of rice intensification (SRI) and conventional methods and also impact of SRI on arthropod diversity. Yellow stem borer damage was high at all stages of crop growth period and its damage (dead hearts) at maximum tillering stage was low in cv. Shanti grown under SRI (7.0%) as compared to conventional method (11.4%). At reproductive stage, the damage (white ear heads) was high in SRI (28.3%) than conventional method (21.2%). Total abundance 263.34 and species richness 20.34 was high in SRI as compared to conventional method. Among various guilds, natural enemies were found more in SRI than conventional method of rice cultivation. Top Keywords pest incidence, system of rice intensification, arthropod diversity. Top | |
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